Credit Repair for Discharged Bankrupt

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CREDIT REPAIR after bankruptcy in Canada starts with a Canadian secured credit card VISA

The goal of an effective bankruptcy allows a Canadian individual or couple to start over financially. Once the court is satisfied a person has met all his or her legal obligations under the bankruptcy laws in Canada, they are discharged to begin the task of CREDIT REPAIR. Their best opportunity to begin that journey back from bankruptcy is through a Canadian secured Credit Card VISA.

Just one company in Canada offers discharged bankrupt Canadians a way to an improved credit rating within 12-18 months. Home Trust offers the reputable VISA credit card, recognized by merchants around the world, to almost anyone who can secure it with a refundable security deposit equal to their credit limit ($1,000-$10,000 CDN). By responsibly using a secured credit card, the cardholder demonstrates to the traditional lenders such as banks and credit unions that he/she can be trusted again to repay their debts.

Using this method of CREDIT REPAIR can put you more quickly on the road to creditworthiness. Banks typically will not look at a loan or credit card application from a discharged bankrupt Canadian until three years after the court’s release. Then they wait another two years for the bankrupt Canadian to borrow someone else’s money or credit cards to repair their credit. You can shorten that rebuilding period substantially by taking out a secured credit card immediately after the discharge. That way credit repair starts from day one after a bankrupcty in Canada.

Sadly, too many people are badly treated by lenders after a bankruptcy. Little consideration is paid to the circumstances surrounding the bankruptcy filing in Canada. You may have been injured, ill, laid off, defrauded, or any number of legitimate reasons for falling behind in your debts. But just because you had bad credit doesn’t make you a bad person.

Fortunately, through CanadianCreditCenter, you can enjoy reasonable CREDIT REPAIR on your way back to financial health and a good credit rating again. Get back on track now.

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Credit Repair Discharged Bankrupt
Credit Repair Tip
Sadly, too many people are badly treated by lenders after a bankruptcy. Little consideration is paid to the circumstances surrounding the bankruptcy filing in Canada.